BS 7909 Testing and Inspecting
Before the installation or set-out of any electrical equipment all leads, cables, distro’s and any other associated electrical equipment should be adequately tested and inspected to ensure it is safe to use, suitable for its intended use and meets the minimum requirements of the relevant standards, detailed records of the tests and inspections should be kept in case of any incidents or claims in the future.
P.A.T. (Portable Appliance Testing) may also apply to electrical appliances and equipment. For Portable Appliance Testing see the IET ❯ Code of Practice for In-service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment. For BS7909 see ❯ BS 7909:2011.
Once all of the electrical distribution equipment, cables and any other associated electrical equipment has been tested, inspected and deemed safe and suitable for use then the source of electrical power and earthing arrangements should also be checked and confirmed (whether that be a generator or the mains electrical supply) before connection is made.
On completion of carrying out the above checks then the installed system must be fully tested and inspected in accordance with BS 7909 and signed off by the senior person responsible (SPR) with copies of the Completion Certificate, Schedule of Test Results and Confirmation of Electrical Completion handed to the event manager.