How to Calculate kVA

How to Calculate kVA

To  kVA calculate we need to know two of the three values of kVA, Volts and Amps. For three phase kVA calculations we also need to know the Power Factor and kW values.

There are a number of kVA formulas which maybe difficult to remember, in which case you may like to download our kVA Calculator App for iOS and Android.

Single Phase kVA Calculations

This section explains how to carry out single phase kVA calculations

How to Convert kVA to Amps

Single Phase:

To calculate Amps from kVA we use the formula Amps =  kVA  x 1000 / Volts
Example: If kVA = 4.6 and voltage = 230 then the calculation is 4.6 x 1000  / 230 = 20 Amps

How to Convert Amps to kVA

Single Phase:

To calculate kVA from Amps we use the formula ​kVA = Amps x  Volts / 1000
Example: If amps = 15 and volts = 120 the calculation is 15 x 120 / 1000 = 1.8 kVA

kVA Three Phase Calculations

This section explains how to carry out three phase kVA calculations.

Three Phase kVA to Amps Calculation

To convert kVA to Amps three phase we can use this formula Amps =  kVA /  Volts / 1.732 x 1000
Example: If kVA = 50 and volts= 400 then the calculation is  50  / 400 / 1.732 * 1000 =  72.17 Amps

Three Phase Amps to kVA Calculation

To calculate Three Phase kVA from Amps the formula is kVA = Amps x Volts x 1.732 / 1000
Example: If Amps = 25 and volts = 400 then the calculation is 25 x 400 x 1.732 / 1000 =  17.32 kVA

kVA to kW to Power Factor Calculations

To calculate to or from kVA, kW or Power Factor there are the following calculations;

kVA = kW / Power Factor
Example: If kW = 5 and Power Factor = 0.8 then 5 / 0.8 = 6.25 kVA

kW = kVA x Power Factor
Example: If kVA = 14 and Power Factor = 0.7 then 14 x 0.7 = 9.8 kW

PF = kW / kVA
Example: If kW = 15 and kVA = 25 then 15 / 25 = 0.6 Power Factor

When calculating or working out kVA, kW or power factor select the relevant calculation formula from above, alternatively you can download the kVA Calculator App for your mobile device.

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