The maximum Zs value for MCCB’s varies depending on the manufacturer of the BS EN 60947-2 protective device.
Trying to locate the manufactures specific Zs chart for a particular MCCB can be tiresome and very time consuming, which is why we have added a number of manufacture BS EN 60947-2 Zs charts to our Max Zs Values App.
Manufactures Zs tables include some for Crabtree, Merlin, Dorman Smith, Hager, Telemacanique, GE, Eaton, Square D. The included MCCB Zs charts includes various MCCB’s, Frames and types from a variety of manufactures.
In addition of the MCCB charts also included are the common BS EN 60898, 3871, 61009, BS 88 fuses, RCBO’s and MCB’s along with many more.